About Us

We at root canal centre (rcc) feel that our patient deserve the best and nothing less than the best of treatment .

When it comes to root canal treatment most the people are scared because of various stories they have heard in the past and frightening experience shared by their near and dear ones .But let us assure you that you will be well taken care of your discomfort or pain  by our experienced and enthusiastic team with smile and gentle touch.

We use latest technology to treat your teeth better which help to last longer in your mouth.We are pioneer in Nepal to incorporate Operating microscope in dental treatment .With operating microscope we can  magnify  and see the underlying problem a lot better ,which we usually  miss with our normal vision that  in turn will lead us to treat only what is necessary and achieve a better result  and give you long lasting tooth/teeth.

With the help of Operating microscope you can see the need of treatment ,in the form of photographs or video.This will allow you to  know exactly what is going on and why treatment is deemed necessary.This will also allow you to be active in making decision for the betterment of your oral cavity.

You are always encouraged to ask and clarify your doubts before start of your treatment  procedure due to it you will know exact duration and timings of the planned treatment which will further help you to schedule your timings .

Visit us

4th Floor, Lalitpur Mall
Sanchaya Kosh Building
Lagankhel, Lalitpur

Call us

Phone : 977-1-5532481

Contact us

Email : info@rootcanalcentrenepal.com

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